AWS S3 vs Google Cloud Storage

September 30, 2021

AWS S3 vs Google Cloud Storage

When it comes to cloud storage, AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage are two of the biggest players in the market. Both offer solid features, scalability, and high availability. However, which one is better for you? In this blog post, we'll compare and contrast the two services and hopefully help you make a better-informed decision.

Scalability & Availability

One of the most significant strengths of cloud storage is scalability. AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage are highly scalable, so you can store anywhere from a few GBs to several petabytes of data. They both offer high availability, with AWS S3 being slightly more reliable, providing an uptime of 99.999999999% (eleven nines), while Google Cloud guarantees an uptime of 99.95% for monthly aggregate.


Pricing is always important when choosing a cloud storage provider. AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage offer pay-as-you-go pricing models, meaning you pay only for what you use.

Both providers also offer different storage classes, each with different prices. AWS S3 offers six storage classes, ranging from the standard tier to the Glacier Deep Archive, with rates ranging from $0.023 to $0.00099 per GB per month. On the other hand, Google Cloud Storage offers four storage classes, with the costs ranging from $0.01 per GB per month up to $0.0004 per GB per month.

Transfer Speeds

When it comes to transfer speeds, both AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage offer high-speed data transfer services. However, according to a third-party comparison published by Nasuni, AWS S3 has faster average read and write speeds than Google Cloud Storage across different file sizes.

File Size AWS S3 Google Cloud Storage
1GB 71 seconds 74 seconds
2GB 94 seconds 114 seconds
3GB 143 seconds 178 seconds


AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage both manage security with a strong commitment to data privacy and security. Both provide server-side encryption, HTTPS encryption for data in transit, and multifactor authentication. Additionally, AWS S3 offers a more extensive set of security features, including integration with AWS Key Management Service (KMS), giving you more options for data security.


Both AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage offer various integrations with different tools and services. AWS S3 integrates well with various AWS services like EC2, Redshift, and Glacier, and it also has a vast library of third-party integrations. Google Cloud Storage integrates well with other Google tools, including the Cloud Platform, Kubernetes Engine, and App Engine.


Both AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage offer excellent performance, scalability, and reliability. AWS S3 has the edge on speed and security, while Google Cloud Storage outdoes AWS S3 in its pricing and integration options. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific business needs.

So, which one should you choose? It's a matter of personal preference, and it's dependent on your business needs, data size, and other features, so we encourage you to try out both before choosing one.


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